Grind Setting: Fine Brewing
Time: 25-30 seconds (longer for exceptionally light roasts)
Brewing Ratio: equipment & recipe dependent, guideline is 1:2 (1g dry coffee for every 2g brewed coffee produced)
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew.
Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavour to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
Espresso Step by Step
Clean & dry your group handle & filter basket to prepare for dosing your ground coffee.
Dose your coffee according to the capacity of your filter basket.
Distribute & settle the coffee evenly in the filter basket.
Use a vertical motion to tamp the coffee down, until it stops giving way under pressure.
Flush water through the grouphead to prepare the group for brewing.
Gently insert the group handle & start brewing.
Time & weigh the brew, stopping in line with your recipe.
French Press
Grind Setting: Coarse
Brewing Time: 2-4 mins (depending on grind setting and cafetière size)
Brewing Ratio: 6-8g coffee per 100g water (1ml water = 1g water) though dependent on personal taste. Typically, towards 8g coffee per 100g
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavor to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
French Press Step by Step
Pre-heat and rinse brewing equipment by pouring some heated brewing water into the cafetière. Press the plunger down into the hot water.
Raise the plunger & discard the water from the cafetière. Place cafetière onto scales and add your coffee dose. Tare the scales and start timing.
Pour all of the required brewing water onto the coffee in the cafetière, then stir to sufficiently immerse all of the coffee in the brewing water.
Place the plunger onto the cafetière but do not plunge.
When the majority of the coffee has descended into the bottom of the cafetière, remove the plunger then use soup spoons to gently remove any ground coffee on the surface of the brew.
Replace the plunger, then slowly & gently press through the brewed coffee until you reach the coffee deposited at the bottom of the brewer.
Pour very gently from the cafetière to serve, being careful not to draw too much motion from the coffee at the bottom of the brewer.
v60 Pour Over
Grind Setting: Medium-Fine
Brewing Time: dependent on dripper size (1-2mins for 1-cup / 2-3 mins for 2-cups)
Brewing Ratio: 6-8g coffee per 100g water (1ml water = 1g water)
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavor to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
V60 Pour Over Step by Step
1- Place dripper on top of cup/mug. Ensure you have more than enough water to brew with. Place filter paper in dripper.
2- Heat brewing water to required temperature and thoroughly rinse the filter paper. Discard rinsing water from cup/mug.
3- Place equipment on scales. Add dose evenly into dripper.
4- Settle & distribute the coffee evenly. Tare scales & start timing.
5- Gently and evenly pour twice the weight of your coffee dose over the coffee bed. Allow the coffee to swell & bubble.
6- When the bed of coffee begins to pit or bubbling ceases, pour the remaining water evenly onto the coffee until the desired water weight has been added.
7- Gently & evenly stir the brew a little, then allow remaining water to drip through the coffee.
Grind Setting: Medium-Fine
Brewing Time: around 2 minutes 30 seconds
Brewing Ratio: generally 6-8g coffee per 100g water (1ml water = 1g water) unless brewing an espresso-style beverage with the AeroPress.
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavor to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
Aeropress (Regular) Step by Step
Prepare all equipment before grinding & brewing. Weigh your coffee dose, and ensure you heat more than enough water to brew with.<br />
Place filter paper in AeroPress cap then attach to bottom of AeroPress. Place the AeroPress on your cup/mug, ensuring that the AeroPress sits on top of it on a flat level.
Rinse the filter & brewing equipment with some heated brewing water. Discard rinsing water from your cup/mug.
Grind coffee & carefully add it to the AeroPress chamber. Distribute evenly & settle the bed of coffee in the filter cap. Tare scales & start timing.
Gently pour water over the coffee until you have added all the brewing water according to the weight in your brew recipe.
Stir gently for a few moments then carefully place the AeroPress plunger into the top of the AeroPress, ensuring it sits as flat as possible. Press down with a vertical motion to push the brewed coffee into the cup/mug. Remove the AeroPress & serve.
Grind Setting: Coarse
Brewing Time: Dependent on size: 2-3mins for 3-cup / 5-8mins for 6-8-cup
Brewing Ratio: 6-8g coffee per 100g water (1ml water = 1g water)
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavor to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
Chemex Step by Step
Weigh your coffee dose, then fold & place a filter paper in the Chemex, with a single fold opposite the spout and 3 folds against the spout, to avoid an unevenly shaped brewing chamber.
Heat more than enough brewing water, then use some to thoroughly rinse the filter paper until it has been highly saturated. Discard rinsing water from the brewer. Repeat the rinsing process if using unbleached filter papers.
Place Chemex on scales. Grind coffee dose for brewing and add the coffee evenly into the filter paper. Tare your scales & start timing.
Pour slowly & evenly over the coffee bed until the weight of the brew is twice that of your coffee dose.
When the coffee bed begins to pit or ceases to produce bubbles, add the remaining water evenly. Stir gently & evenly a little, then allow water to drip through until finished.
Stove Top
Grind Setting: Fine (slightly coarser than for espresso)
Brewing Time: dependent upon Stove Top size & heating element used
Brewing Ratio: varies according to Stove Top model. Typically 1g coffee per 11g brewing water. Experiment with water dose & grind setting.
Please be aware that the environment will always impact the conditions under which you brew. Temperature & humidity are two notable factors which may mean your grind setting or extraction time range needs to be altered.
Changes made to the grind setting have consistent results across all brew methods. A coarse grind allows water to pass through coffee without as much resistance as a fine one. It will also mean that the brew time of a courser grind will be longer to allow the flavor to be fully extracted.
A finer grind results in smaller coffee particles, exposing more surface area to the brewing water which can therefore ‘access’ and dissolve the available flavours more easily.
Additionally, always take into account the high level of influence that water chemistry has in your brewing. Experiment with using different bottled waters if your tap water seems to leave you struggling to tune your brews to your taste.
Stove Top Step by Step
Wipe clean & dry your Stove Top's filter basket before brewing. Place bottom section of Stove Top on scales & tare.
Add cold water according to your brew recipe in line with equipment capacity (normally until the water level sits just below the outlet at the top of the bottom section of the pot) Weigh your coffee dose according to your water amount.
Place the filter basket into the bottom section of the Stove Top. Add coffee dose carefully. Gently knock the pot on a flat work surface to level the coffee dose in the basket. Gently distribute it using gentle tapping if further distribution is needed.
Place the top section carefully onto the bottom, and screw in place. Be careful not to impact the distribution of the coffee dose.
Place over a low-medium heat on the stove. Choose the heating section most suited to the size of the base of your pot.
Start your timer to track your extraction time. The time it takes for water to begin appearing in the upper chamber will be dependent upon your dose, grind setting, the size of your Stove Top, the heat provided by your stove, the initial temperature of your water, and the material that your pot is made from.
In a sink or small basin run cold water to a depth that equals around half the height of the Stove Top's bottom section. Placing the Stove Top in a cold bath will allow you to stop the brewing process at a faster rate, before brewing begins to extract undesirable flavours from your coffee.
Remembering how much water you added to the Stove Top, watch for the liquid rising out of the bottom chamber due to the steam pressure pushing it up through the filter basket. Remove the pot from the stove when most of the water has been pushed up into the top of the pot.
Place the Stove Topin your cold water bath to stop the brewing process. Due to the thermal mass of the Stove Top and the steam pressure being contained in the bottom brewing chamber, it can be the case that the coffee continues to brew after it is removed from the stove. Placing the pot in a cold bath will immediately reduce the chance of this occurring.
Remove the pot from the cold water, dry the outside & serve.